Hi, my name is Luca Martincigh, I'm an Italian Web designer based in Valencia, Spain. My interest is Web Design, how can I help you?
Name : Luca Martincigh
Birth date : 17 / 12 / 1983
Phone : (+34) 693 473 170
E-Mail : luca.martincigh@gmail.com
html5, css3 & Javascript 100%
PHP 100%
WordPress Development 100%
SEO 95%
Angular Development 90%
Graphic Design 80%
Android Development 80%
iOS Development 80%
WordPress websites and custom development.
I take care of maintaining and evolving your website.
I am expert in UX/UI Design for any type of website.
Native Android / iOS Apps development and hibrid Ionic development.
More that 10 years of experience in SEO and WPO Optimization.
I can help you fix any problem you may have with your website.
(+34) 693 473 170